I just finished leading my ninth retreat here at Lake Tahoe for worship leaders. This was the fourth Worship Design Studio Tahoe event and we had a whopping 75 people that tipped the scales to 500 total sojourners to my retreats since 2007! Teams from four denominations across the country came together and ignited the place with creativity and passion for meaningful and memorable worship. We galavanted through the liturgical year and I'm so excited to hear back from folks about how their amazing dreams become reality over the next year.
From the "git-go" this grouping of people crackled. It is so funny how every retreat group has its own energy and personality. There are always people that I know and don't know at every retreat but they always feel like family when they leave. My prayers are with all of you!!!
Tahoe was REALLY showing off for this bunch–amazing weather (the pic is early-morning just as I was going down to feed the ducks the rest of the communion bread from the night before). Fall is in full swing here with vibrant color and we had sunshine and stunning blue in the sky and lake. Many of the group went to see the salmon spawning on our morning off.
So I'm sitting here back in my office, grateful to call Tahoe home and oh, so grateful that people want to come visit and study and worship and rejuvenate here with me. I am renewed because of you! Ahhhh....